A retired actor kindly lent his country home for the first day of shooting |
Neighborhood attractions included this old wooden church |
In November 2012, I began work on a film that we'll be shooting, in installments, over the next few months. The reason for staggering the shoot, rather than filming everything in sequence, is to capture the different seasons, as they change, as part of advancing the story.
Our first segment was timed to be shot in the fall, so we all drove up north in Ontario, to just outside Midland. Luckily, it was a sunny and dry day, before the large snowfalls the area is famous for arrived.
Crew and cast arrive and unload - Yep, that's an actor, front and center (where else?) |
Another interesting aspect of this film is that it's a period drama, set before and during the Korean War. I play Angela, one of the lead characters. Other than that, I'm keeping details of the story under wraps until the film is fully shot.
Period props had to be sourced, including this older wheelchair (circa 1930) |
We also shot the day following in one of Toronto's parks, again, we were blessed with excellent weather for an outdoor shoot (although thermal underwear was a must!)
Larry and I on the set in the park |
I'm providing a few "behind-the-scenes" shots as well as a photo of myself with one of my co-stars, Larry Harris.
As and when future shoots happen, I'll post updates on my blog.
Copyright Deborah C. Sawyer