Friday 27 September 2013

Does your Spidey-sense tingle?

I've fallen behind, a bit, on posting to my acting blog.
The always-messy business of setting-up!

But back on April 28, 2013, I portrayed Aunt May to someone's Peter Parker in a video entitled "Uncle Ben's".

I'm still waiting to see footage of this shoot - although the director promises it will be fantastic -so, in the meantime, here are some pix from the shoot.

It took place, as many shoots do, in a donated house; this one is on Adelaide Street West, in Toronto. (All this means is that the homeowner has to disappear for a few hours and the cat - if there is one - has to be sequestered.)

Not only actors wait around, here's the sound guy - waiting!
After make-up, we got down to work, which involved continually taking peppers out of the fridge and chopping incessantly at a carrot. (But hey, that's what they teach you to do in film school!)

What I liked best about the shoot was that it was super-efficient, no real wasted time. Kudos to the crew from the production company, Random At Best.

Oh, and the apron I'm wearing - we had to supply our own costumes - is my own design, one of my "Team Family" aprons from Harobed Designs! (It was suggested to me, as appropriate, by two comic book aficionados I met the week before at a craft show!)

...and again, close-up!
Aunt May...

Copyright Deborah C. Sawyer

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